Living Fully:
Daring Greatly: How The Courage To Be Vulnerable Transforms The Way We Live, Love, Parent, And Lead; motivational, insightful, and compassionate. How shame can hold us back, and what to do about it.
The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide To Creating Success On Your Own Terms; not your run of the mill motivational book!
An easy to read and put into action book on mindfulness; helpful resource for those wanting to reduce stress, cope with pain, and manage illness.
How to balance the demands of parenting for working parents; a balanced view of the strengths moms and dads bring to parenting, and how to capitalize on those.
The unique issue of male depression is addressed in a compassionate and down to earth way, without jargon; lots of firsthand stories from men who have lived experience with depression and mood issues.
A great resource for those who have been diagnosed with cancer or life-threatening illness; full of stories from those who have been there, and how they navigated the psychological challenges and derived strength and new-found focus and direction in life.
An easy and comforting read after living through loss of all types; a loved one, a relationship, a job, a pet.
Find out what your and your partner's "love language" is so you can express your love is ways that matter to each other, and communicate your feelings clearly.
How to make marriage more equitable, less exhausting
and more fun for women; why women are so exhausted and what to do about it.
and more fun for women; why women are so exhausted and what to do about it.
A backstage look at the realities of contemporary mothering, from pregnancy and childbirth to the juggling act of working motherhood; an insightful look at the overwhelming demands felt by many women after entering parenthood.
Nora MacQuarrie, Registered Psychologist
Provident Professional Building
[email protected]
4616 Valiant Drive NW, Suite 008
Calgary, Alberta
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